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Off the record, On the QT and very hush hush

Upon entering this site to view the various awards bestowed upon me (and a few of the awards I was unable, for one reason or another, to get such bestowment), one must bear in mind the tremendous effort one has to expend in order to procure one such award for oneself. Days, yes even months of begging and whining, and I'm talking serious grovelling here. At times there is even the inevitable retreat to pleading and crying. Some awards came easy; others not so. It is the old game of slave and master; or perhaps; master and slave; the intensity with which I inculcated slavedom into my being often determined the awarding or non-awarding of the award awarded and perchance I would be regarded and henceforth rewarded. As well, it must also be iterated that I would more than like as not prefer a bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy! Yoik!

Tina M

A Beautiful award from Tina M.!

My Second Most coveted award as it was the frist award to be awarded to this award-winning site! This award brought the reward of fruitful beginnings and a very rewarding, forward-looking award for myself personally. Many thanks to the folks at Coca Cola and that last bottle of coke, the cap of which I scanned, and Nina for the train, I am well on my way! All Aboard! oi!

Succumbing to the constant bantering and being somewhat mollycoddled to boot, I accepted this award from the Academy of Rick. Initially I refused this symbol straight-out believing that my inheritable inalienable unadjusted, as well as unambiguous, state of wellness gave me an unfair advantage over peer applicants. Buffered by this ingratiating ineptitude I therefore decided not to fill my pockets with pebbles and accepted on grounds that it only be referred to as a non-award from the Psycho Ward Folks.

Known to be the most sought after award on the web,
I have achieved the impossible! Words cannot convey the
mixed-state, rapid-cycling and mood swinging! Time for a
quick reality check! Voi!

Image Here

Much to my dismay, I received the Albert Award. Although colorful and a nice space filler, this award is given to the site showing the least amount of creative juice-flow and the most amount of right-clickity. Alas, my site was chosen! And, in this case the "eyes" have it!

Surely a mistake, but hey... I'm not saying a word! I'll take this one!


Hey... sometimes hard work DOES pay off!

Image Here

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! I have been invited to join! My application for membership is in and I am waiting to receive formal pronouncement regarding the status of such...I know these things take time and being blessed with patience in abundance, I await with eager anticipation! I do so hope that I am accepted for this is the ONLY Web Ring in which I truly want to be memberized! Can you spell Fat Chance children?

Awards I received from Manfred

Image Here


Little Shy's Excellent Award!

Maria y John

Marķa y John!


Excelente Award from Tahyane!

Raven's Unique Award!

Thee's Nice Webpage Award!

Visit The Enchanted Ladies!
A Nice Gift!

From LadyRia!

More From LadyRia!

From Nilla!

Mistress Delilah!Mistress Delilah!
Mistress Delilah!

An'somarol's Award!

From Laurie!

Far Out Man!

Robins Grapix
Robin's Gold!

My New Home!

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